
Archive for the ‘Afrika’ Category

Inte bara är marknadsreformer skulden till matbristen i Nordkorea, det är det även i Niger. Enligt Washington Post i alla fall:

It [the famine] is the result not only of food shortages but a host of other problems, including vendor profiteering, a government policy shift toward a free market, and a decline in the traditional culture of generosity that once helped communities in Niger survive cyclical periods of scarcity.

Och så dagens frågor; kan någon komma på vilket ekonomiskt system som avskaffat matbristen i de länder som inför just detta system? Och vilket system har bibehållit, och i vissa fall förvärrat, matbristen?

[via Café Hayek]

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NY Times:

His new 25-bedroom palace is clad in midnight-blue Chinese roof tiles. His air force trains on Chinese jets. His subjects wear Chinese shoes, ride Chinese buses and, lately, zip around the country in Chinese propjets. He has even urged his countrymen to learn Mandarin and nurture a taste for Chinese cuisine.

That President Robert G. Mugabe rules Zimbabwe, which resembles China about as much as African corn porridge tastes like moo shu pork, is irrelevant. Tightening his embrace of all things Chinese, the 81-year-old Mr. Mugabe, Zimbabwe’s canny autocrat for 25 years, arrived in Beijing on Saturday for six days of talks with China’s leaders, led by President Hu Jintao.

If this all seems nonsensical, however, it is anything but. Shunned by Western leaders and investors for his government’s human rights policies, Zimbabwe has begun a determined campaign to hitch its plummeting fortunes to China’s rising star.

China and Zimbabwe signed a letter of intent to cooperate in law enforcement and the judiciary. Atop the list is a plan for China to train Zimbabweans in managing prisons.

“They have a fairly advanced prison system,” Zimbabwe’s justice minister, Patrick Chinamasa, told reporters. “We would also want to tap into that expertise.”

Och i fredags publicerade FN en rapport om Zimbabwe:

A United Nations report released today calls on the Government of Zimbabwe to stop the demolition of homes and markets, pay reparations to those who have lost housing and livelihoods and punish those who, “with indifference to human suffering,” carried out the evictions of some 700,000 people.

Rapporten finns här, besök också Sokwanele och deras blogg.

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Simon Jenkins i The Times:

Geldof disagrees. He is a big-time interventionist. He claims legitimacy not by democratic mandate but by the dubious franchise of rock concert attendances. He tells his audiences that they do not need to give money or think. They can feel better just by chanting a mantra like monks. Awareness is self-defining. It accepts no responsibility for any political outcomes. Blame is transferred to elected politicians.

Read the whole thing.

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Två saker från African Bullets & Honey:

Word on the street is that Gordon Brown, the British Chancellor of the Exchequer will march with protestors in the ‘Long Walk to Justice’. So who and what precisely will they be marching against? Poverty?

This is simply an exercise in white, Western megalomania. Now that the age of empire has passed for these British Isles, now that the economic consensus will brook no extremes of the right or left variety, now that there are no great foes to contend with, there are only two extreme conditions that remain in a world that has moved to the ‘middle’: Western self aggrandizement and African suffering. To the liberals and assorted ‘put Africa right’ brigades, they exist at the centre of the moral universe. Africans shall live or die according to their wishes. Now we are to be saved, but it could be just the opposite as it has been in times past.

Live8 and Those Who Would Steal African Humanity

On Saturday July 2nd, Live8 concerts will be held in ten cities around the world. They will feature the biggest and most famous names in pop. Performing in London, at Hyde Park, will be the African Children’s Choir, Annie Lennox, Bob Geldof, Coldplay, Dido, Elton John, Joss Stone, Keane, The Killers, Madonna, Mariah Carey, Ms. Dynamite, Paul McCartney, Pink Floyd, Razorlight, REM, Robbie Williams, Scissor Sisters, Snoop Dogg, Snow Patrol, Stereophonics, Sting, Travis, U2, UB40, Velvet Revolver. What jumps out at me instantly is that none of these artists is African. On Wednesday night, I happened to catch up with Emmanuel Jal – a young Sudanese rapper and currently the hottest act in East Africa – who was performing at the Ritzy. It turns out that he was publicly invited by Fran Healy, the lead singer for Travis, who had been in Sudan to “see the plight of Africans for himself”. Healy, who has stoutly defended Bob Geldorf against charges that the Live8 is nothing more than a careerist prop, promised Emmanuel that he would be part of the line up at Hyde Park tomorrow night. But this will not be the case. Emmanuel told me that Geldorf had informed him in no uncertain terms that he could not participate. Only artists who had “sold more than 4 million records” would get on stage Sir Bob informed young Emmanuel.

Live8 and Emmanuel Jal

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Anledning 63453 till att tänka efter både en och två gånger innan man stödjer Live 8, Make Poverty History och liknande.

Bistånd i fel händer dödar:

The millions donated to Ethiopia in 1985 thanks to Live Aid were supposed to go towards relieving a natural disaster. In reality, donors became participants in a civil war. Many lives were saved, but even more may have been lost in Live Aid’s unwitting support of a Stalinist-style resettlement project

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Zimbabwe tar ytterligare ett steg närmare helvetet, det är riktigt nära nu. This is Zimbabwe:

A new wave of repression has hit Bulawayo’s western suburbs and is spreading rapidly. It is called after its Shona name “pfekazvakanaka”, meaning “dress well”. I first heard about it this morning from a youth from Mpopoma, let’s call him Vusa.

Vusa is a good looking youth who, until yesterday, used to sport dreadlocks. But he told me how on Friday (June 24) he and a girl friend found themselves cornered by group of about 30 so-called riot police. I say “riot police” because, as Vusa explained, they were wearing new riot police uniforms. Yet the people of Mpopoma did not recognise any of them, and when they spoke to one another, it was observed that they talked in Shona.

There were both men and women in the unit. One of their number carried a rifle across his shoulder while the others were armed with iron bars and sticks. All one can say with any certainty therefore is that they were a group of Mugabe’s thugs, masquerading as riot police.

The group stopped Vusa and his friend and demanded to know why they were not dressed properly. It soon transpired that they objected to the dreadlocks. They also objected to the trousers worn by Vusa’s girl friend. Patriotic youths, they were told, must dress properly (Phekazvakanaka). These other fashions were not acceptable.

[Via Global Voices Online]

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